Hyperparam Class#

The Hyperparam class is a crucial component of our library, designed to optimize the hyperparameters of machine learning algorithms using the DEAP library, which provides genetic algorithms.

Why We Need the Hyperparam Class#

In the context of genetic optimization, a common problem is the repeated evaluation of slightly different individuals. This can lead to inefficiencies in the optimization process. To mitigate this, we use the Hyperparam class to limit the values of the hyperparameters, ensuring that the same individuals are not evaluated multiple times.

How It Is Used#

The Hyperparam class is used to define a hyperparameter to optimize. It includes the name, minimum value, maximum value, and type of the hyperparameter. This class also controls the precision of the hyperparameter to avoid multiple evaluations with close values due to decimal positions.

The Hyperparam class has several methods, including:

  • __init__: Initializes a new instance of the Hyperparam class.

  • correct: Returns the real value of the hyperparameter in case some mutation could surpass the limits.

  • __eq__: Overrides the default implementation to compare two Hyperparam instances.

  • __str__ and __repr__: Overrides the default implementations to provide a string representation of the Hyperparam instance.

Types of Hyperparam#

The Hyperparam class supports several types of hyperparameters. Here are examples of each type:

  • Integer hyperparameter:

hyperparam_int = Hyperparam(name='max_depth', min_value=1,
                            max_value=10, hyperparam_type='int')
  • Float hyperparameter:

hyperparam_float = Hyperparam(name='learning_rate', min_value=0.01, max_value=1.0,
                              hyperparam_type='float', scale=100)
  • ‘nexp’ hyperparameter:

hyperparam_nexp = Hyperparam(name='nexp_param', min_value=1,
                             max_value=100, hyperparam_type='nexp')
  • ‘x10’ hyperparameter:

hyperparam_x10 = Hyperparam(name='x10_param', min_value=1,
                            max_value=100, hyperparam_type='x10')

In these examples, we define hyperparameters of different types. The ‘nexp’ and ‘x10’ types are special types that apply a transformation to the hyperparameter value.


Here’s an example of how to use the Hyperparam class:

# Define a hyperparameter
hyperparam = Hyperparam(name='learning_rate', min_value=0, max_value=1,
                        hyperparam_type='float', scale=100)

# Correct a value
# This will return 1.0 as 150 is beyond the max_value
corrected_value = hyperparam.correct(150)

In this example, we define a hyperparameter named ‘learning_rate’ with a minimum value of 0, a maximum value of 1, and a type of float. The ‘correct’ method is then used to correct a value that is beyond the defined maximum value.

Here’s an example of how you can create a HyperparameterSpace instance and pass custom hyperparameters to it:

from mloptimizer.hyperparams import Hyperparam, HyperparameterSpace

# Define custom hyperparameters
fixed_hyperparams = {
    "criterion": "gini"
evolvable_hyperparams = {
    "min_samples_split": Hyperparam("min_samples_split", 2, 50, 'int'),
    "min_samples_leaf": Hyperparam("min_samples_leaf", 1, 20, 'int'),
    "max_depth": Hyperparam("max_depth", 2, 20, 'int'),
    "min_impurity_decrease": Hyperparam("min_impurity_decrease", 0, 150, 'float', 1000),
    "ccp_alpha": Hyperparam("ccp_alpha", 0, 300, 'float', 100000)

# Create a HyperparameterSpace instance
hyperparam_space = HyperparameterSpace(fixed_hyperparams, evolvable_hyperparams)

# Then we can use the hyperparam_space instance to optimize the hyperparameters
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from mloptimizer.core import Optimizer

# Load the iris dataset
X,y = load_iris(return_X_y=True)

tree_optimizer = Optimizer(estimator_class=DecisionTreeClassifier,
                           features=X, labels=y)
tree_optimizer.optimize_clf(3, 3)

In this example, we define custom hyperparameters and create a HyperparameterSpace instance. We then use the HyperparameterSpace instance to optimize the hyperparameters of a DecisionTreeClassifier using the Optimizer class.